Leave Your “Couch Potato” Label Behind and Start Loving Your Life!

If you’ve had enough of your “Couch Potato” label, you may have also realized how unproductive and unrewarding flipping through channels is, day after day. And you’re ready to make some changes. But where should you start?

Now that you’ve become truly aware of how much of life has passed you by while you watched TV, you can improve your quality of life. One way to do that is to decide on a fresh title – one better suited to your new life. As you refer to yourself differently, a new self-image can quickly follow.

Consider these titles to start adopting a new label and adapting to a refreshing new life:

1. Activity Addict. This tag can have multiple meanings, depending on whether you’re exercising your body, mind, or both! Either way, you’ll love getting active. And the rewards will be far better than if you continue seeing yourself as a Couch Potato.

* If you’ve been sedentary for a prolonged period, choose a form of exercise that you can handle easily. Start small, and work your way up to moderate and high intensity workouts.

* Take up a hobby or pastime that will really get your brain working. How about chess? Auto mechanics? Anything that gets the mind going is better than channel hopping all day!

* Whatever you choose, allow yourself to become consumed by the activity so you’ll have a new purpose in life besides catching your favorite show.

2. Health Food Honcho. Now’s a great time to get turned on by healthy eating. You’ve made the decision to turn your life around, and a great place to begin is with your diet. Start reading magazines and watching TV programs that teach you about healthy food alternatives. Then, cook them into being!

* Visit the supermarket and stock up on healthy groceries instead of driving to the drive-thru of a fast food joint. Your body will definitely thank you!

* Do more cooking, instead of going for pre-packaged meals. That way, you can control the ingredients you consume and make your healthy meals unique and interesting.

* Replace chips and sodas with fruit, veggies, and some whole grains, like brown rice.

3. Discovery Magnet. TV does offer some educational programs. However, you may often be tempted to watch reality TV or other programs that don’t engage your mind. Instead, put down the remote and pick up a book. Spend some time discovering things you knew absolutely nothing about before, and get your think tank firing on all cylinders!

4. Love Bug. Maybe you fell into acting like a Couch Potato because something seemed absent from your love life. Try rebranding yourself as a Love Bug and embracing love. For starters, you can:

* Sign up with a dating website.
* Enlist your friends to help you create a strategy to approach someone you like.
* Bring out your softer, romantic side by listening to songs about love and becoming more attuned with your emotions.

You’ve missed out on a lot by being a Couch Potato, but you can start anew today! Try dropping that label and replacing it with others you’ll definitely get more rewards from. There’s nothing better than living a more positive, rewarding life, that’s motivated by things you love!